(712) 464-3221
Lake City Union Church
Group Ministries
Calling & Caring
In service to God, the members of this committee call on Shady Oaks Nursing Home Residents, shut-ins and members of our church who are in need of a caring ear or spiritual support. If you would like this committee to reach out to you or to be a part of this committee, please contact the church office at 712-464-3221 or by filling out the contact form below and e-mailing the church office.
Union Church Women/Ruth Circle
All women of Lake City Union Church are invited to become a member of Union Church Women/Ruth Circle. There are eight meetings each year in which we share fellowship and spiritual growth. This caring comunity of women lives out its mission through various projects. We hold a pulled pork dinner, complete with homemade ice cream and pie. We help serve funeral dinners and hold four bake sales a year. We donate funds to our church's budget, the youth program, several charities, and the mission giving of our parent churches. We are part of Church Women United, which is an interdenominational group of church women that organizes our community's Lenten Luncheons and World Day of Prayer. Our pledge states that women have historically been a vital part of the life of the church from Biblical times to the present. The women of Lake City Union Church continue to fulfill that pledge as we witness to our faith in Jesus Christ in all that we do.
Blessed to give .. and to receive....
Whatever work you do, put yourself into it, as those who are serving not merely other people, but the Lord. Col. 3:23